
Filmavond Marina

Bekijk hier de foto’s van de filmavond Marina.

/ 7 februari 2014

Zonta says no

Zonta International is saying NO to violence on 25 November. Through the collective voice of 30,000 Zontians sharing their activities on social media networks, we will have a resounding impact on violence against women in the world. →

/ 31 oktober 2013

Fundraising-avond 20-09-2013

Bekijk hier de foto’s.

/ 23 september 2013

05/02/2013 Scharpoord: onze filmavond Cloclo

Bekijk hier de foto’s.

/ 15 februari 2013

The Journey of the Heart by Pascale Vandewalle

During this “Journey of the heart” and thanks to 22 Doctors, pharmacists, nurses and managers, 8000 Ugandan people were helped in 1 week time. Photography & Photo-Art by Pascale Vandewalle.

/ 25 januari 2013

Inwijding Wendy

Wendy is ingewijd als nieuw lid met een mooie kerstact. Bekijk de foto’s.

/ 13 december 2012